2012 Preschool Yearbook Data

Yearbook Data Reports on Preschool Use

Yearbook Data Reports on Preschool Use

The 2012 State Preschool Yearbook offers a real insight into what is currently going on in America’s preschools. It is filled with information on state-funded institutions for 2011-12 but also gives an overall review of the last ten years.  One of the goals of this book is to form an understanding of the progress of early childhood education throughout the nation and improve educational opportunities for the country’s children.

In the 2010-11 and 2011-12 academic year, twenty-eight percent of the country’s 4-year-olds were enrolled in a state-funded preschool program.  The enrollment figure has dropped by a staggering $500m across the country.  It has never happened before to this extent.   The results recorded in the Yearbook bring up concerns on the quality and accessibility of pre-K education for many of the country’s youngsters.

There are three main categories in the Yearbook.  One is a summary of the information and description of national trends for preschool enrollment.  One is a presentation of profiles of each state’s policies vis-à-vis preschool access, quality standards and resources for the academic year.

Overall, the Yearbook is a very useful tool for those involved in any part of developing preschool curricula or getting access to preschool for the nation’s children.